
More Than A Broken Belt

More Than A Broken Belt

For 20 years I have listened to Tony Robbins. His wisdom, insight and passion to help others is inspiring. There is no doubt, he has had a significant impact on my life, my mindset and the man I am today. One of the most impactful things he said wasn’t a statement, but rather a series …

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Meaning is My Maker

Meaning is My Maker

Our lives are full of experiences. Some good and some bad. The meaning we give these experiences, rather than the experience itself, is what I have come to realize makes the biggest difference in my life. I can choose a meaning that is negative and fearful, and even play the victim. This can keep me …

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Career Reflections: 5 Questions

Career Reflections: 5 Questions

Through the mentoring I do, I hear a lot of fear, anxiety, uncertainty and even some bitterness these days. The pandemic, the recession, personal loss or in most cases “life’s struggle” has people questioning their lives, jobs and purpose. They search for clarity, certainty, stability or just another way to think about things. Sometimes this …

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All is Good

All is Good

A close friend asked the other day. “How are you?” As usual my immediate reaction without thinking was “All is good, how are you? Then I paused. I caught myself. I felt empty. “How am I really”?  What does that even mean?  How should I answer that question? Did I even know how I actually …

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Finding Comfort

Finding Comfort

Lately I have been lost Through no fault of my own The loss of my mom Has left me feeling alone.  Her departure was sudden Her departure was quick The thought of her absence Still makes me feel sick.  The call that came  Announcing her death Strangled my thoughts And stole my breath. That pit …

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Be Like a Bison

Be Like a Bison

4:30am. The alarm gently wakes me up. I can hear the wind and rain steadily engulf the house. A storm was upon us. The desire or should I say excuse to rollover was strong. The warmth, safety and certainty of the bed comforted me. The darkness and silence seduced me. Slowly worry of work, family, …

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My Rock

My Rock

It’s been at the “center” my entire life. It’s the sole reason my parents purchased the piece of property it sits on. It’s come to symbolize faith, family and fortitude. It’s a rock, and quite a large one. It sits in the backyard of my childhood home which I now own with my sister after …

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