We Still “See” You

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, I cannot help but think about my mom and how this year we won’t “see” her. It certainly will be different as her sudden passing has left a hole in our hearts and an “empty” seat at the table. Yet, as I reflect more, I am so grateful for what I have “seen” this year and no matter how long it will be until I “see” her again, I still “see” her everyday and everywhere.
We Still “See” You by Derrick Rumenapp
We see you in our children We hear you in our speech We witness all your wisdom In the values that we preach. We model your behaviors We remember all you did The sacrifices made for us From when we were just kids. We see you in the flowers We hear you in the chimes The lessons that you taught us Are forever in our minds. The recipes you passed down The love you always gave The time we spent together Are the memories that we’ll save. Your time with us has ended But still you feel so close Your pretty smile and tender touch Is what we’ll miss the most.
Mom – you are forever in our hearts, forever in our minds, and forever in our “sight”. We love you. #Gratitude
Until we “see” you again…