Filter and Worry Free

As I stood on the shore gazing across the water, a woman walking by abruptly stopped and asked “what are you looking at?”
I paused, taken off guard by the question.
“The lake”, I replied.
“Why, is there something out there?” She asked.
Again, I paused. Surprised by her question and more surprised that she didn’t see “it”. Admittedly though, it wasn’t the most colorful sunrise. Gray clouds filled the sky with only a narrow strip of pink light off in the distance.
“No. Just looking at the sunrise…the pink is so beautiful .” I said.
“Oh”, she said, almost disappointed at my response. Taking another look, she squinted her eyes, quickly agreeing as she continued her walk.
It made me wonder…how many spectacular things do I overlook each day due to busyness, worry and distraction in my life. How many things do I under appreciate because a fancy Snapchat, Instagram or Foodie filter wasn’t used to enhanced or alter God’s original beauty. Could I too be missing the “pink light” in my life?
Make time today to see with your own eyes. Time to notice your surroundings. Time to be grateful for the wonderful world God given us…filter and worry free. You too might find and even become “the pink” light in someone’s otherwise gray day.
Be the light.