Truth and Dare

Truth and Dare

17 years ago this past August, I proposed to my wife Amy at the Chapel of the Holy Cross in Sedona, Arizona. This past weekend, we returned for 4 days… to remember, to reconnect and to rekindle the love we shared that warm summer day; and to thank God for his “ever perfect plan” for our lives.

“Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” Matthew 19:6

Whenever we tell the “proposal” story, many say “how romantic.” But candidly, it was an accident…so I thought. Yes, I had the ring in my pocket for 4 days without Amy noticing. Yes, I navigated airport security without a pat down or awkward proposal scene. And yes, I was planning to propose in Arizona all along. What was different was the “how” and “where”. I had planned to find a scenic spot in the Grand Canyon, our final destination, and “pop the question” there. Little did I know, God had a plan of his own.

We had started in Tucson, staying with Amy’s Aunt, Annelise whom I shared “my secret” with and who graciously helped us build our travel plan. This included traveling west through Phoenix then north to Sedona, Flagstaff and eventually the Grand Canyon. As we arrived in Sedona, we were captivated by the breath taking views, soaring red rock mountains, and strong spiritual presence. Somehow, we ended up on Chapel Road…I don’t remember if we consciously planned this or not. What I do remember is arriving at an enormous cross like structure jutting out from a 1000 ft. red rock wall called the Chapel of the Holy Cross. This symbol of faith, created in 1956 by Marguerite Brunswig Staude was described as “a monument to faith, but a spiritual fortress so charged with God, that it spurs man’s spirit godward”.

We walked up and sat down… mesmerized by this incredible symbol of God’s presence in Arizona. Poetically, the sun began to set. Silence filled the air with the last departing tourist. We were alone. God had now revealed “the plan he had” for us. A moment that would forever bind us to Him, each another and Sedona.

And yes, I got down on one knee, took out the ring and asked her…

A lot has happened since that day in Sedona 17 years ago. Ups and downs. Good days and “learning” days. But what has remained true is our love for each other, for God and for Sedona. This return trip reminded us (again) of the importance of nurturing our marriage daily, celebrating our love frequently and centering our marriage on God.

It inspired me to share some of the media we use to honor and maintain the sacrament of matrimony:

First, the movie “Fireproof”, from the creators of “Facing the Giants” and “Courageous”. As a firefighter, Captain Caleb Holt, played by Kirt Cameron, is a hometown hero…rescuing people from burning buildings and life threatening situations. At home, it is a different story. He and his wife Catherine have grown apart. Competing careers, selfish behaviors and a lack of real love towards one another threatens their marriage. Headed for divorce, Caleb confides in his dad who urges him to postpone the divorce to embark on a 40 Day journey called the “Love Dare” first. Reluctantly, Caleb agrees and begins this journey to understand what it truly means to love your spouse as God intended.

Next, “The Love Dare”, a companion resource to the movie, is the day by day journey Caleb took in the movie towards strengthening his relationship with God, himself and his spouse. Simple language, relevant scripture and a clear articulation of how God expects us to love our spouse makes this a must have resource for all marriages.

Seek the truth, take the dare…

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