Through My Eyes

Through My Eyes

For football fans, this is an exciting time of year. Playoff games began last weekend with the Super Bowl coming in early February. For those that don’t follow football, keep reading, there is a special message here…

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Last November, I wrote about how my choice of wearing black and yellow shows others that I am a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, just like how I choose to “treat others” shows my love and commitment to God. Ironically, this week’s review is on Tim Tebow’s autobiography “Through My Eyes”. I say ironically because while I have been reading this book, I have become a fan of him and as the quarterback for the Denver Broncos, he knocked my Pittsburgh Steelers out of the playoffs last weekend!

Although I am disappointed about the loss, I am more and more impressed with Tim Tebow. Not because of his football skills, but because he “walks the talk”.  Over the past few years, Tim Tebow has established himself as one of the best quarterbacks in college football and was a top pick in the NFL draft by the Denver Broncos. More importantly, in his book, “Through My Eyes, “Tebow” shares his inspiring story from his perspective on the circumstances of his birth, his family’s Christian missionary in the Philippines, the work ethic he learned from living on a farm, being home schooled by his mom and how God, his family and football are at the center of his life. (in that order) Each chapter starts with a quote from scripture, just like he leads his life…God first.

Tebow’s success on and off the field along with his very public acknowledgement of his faith has many people talking. Even those that never watched football before are becoming interested in him, his story and the role model he is becoming for children dreaming of making it to the NFL. Even though I am a Steelers fan, I will be cheering for Tebow this coming weekend. Not because I want Tebow to win, but that through his winning, he will give God the glory for all to see.

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