Ask. Seek. Find.

Ask. Seek. Find.

This always seems to be a lesson I need to learn over and over…Ask. Seek. Knock. It seems simple. Ask God for help. Seek his direction. Pray regularly.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you” Matthew 7:7

For me, surrounding myself with the right “media” helps to remind me that God is all around us and that if we “seek” him in everything we do, we will surely find him. Faith filled media is no different. It is everywhere and it has never been more accessible. All we need to do is: Ask. Seek. Knock.

This month I have included 5 new Christian media choices I have come across to illustrate further the growing trend towards using digital media to “spread the Word”. More radio stations in the Capital region, more movies in the theaters, and even TV shows about the Bible!

Listen. Watch. Support these media choices. The more you do, the more widely this will become available and the easier it will be for you and others to: Ask. Seek. Knock.


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