Resilience Habit Assessment

Resilience Habit Assessment

Our resilience is linked to honestly asking ourselves:.

Am I…

… taking care of myself?

… managing my mindset?

… acting responsibly?

… thriving and growing in the “storms” of life?

Do I….

… rise early with gratitude, feeling prepared to face the day?
… have healthy habits that replenish and energize you?
… have boundaries and “space” in your day/schedule?
… stay present, are self aware and know your “story”?
… know your “why” and what drives you?
… know what you want and are excited for your future?
… take action, avoid procrastination & celebrate progress?
… know what influences you?
… accept help and help others with humility?
… proactively develop yourself?

Answer the questions above using the scale below. Then total up your 10 answers to calculate your Resilience Habit Factor score:

1 – I never…  3 – I rarely…; 5 – I sometimes…;7 – I usually…; 10 – I always…

The Resilience Habit FactorScore Range
High Resilience80-100
Medium Resilience50 – 79
Low Resilience1 – 49

©2023 The Resilience Habit is the property of Derrick Rumenapp. All concepts and details remain his intellectual property. Not for distribution without his express written consent.