Piece the surface, reach for the light

Piece the surface, reach for the light

For my sister and I, growing up in the 70’s in a small rural community, involved having a vegetable garden. Tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, squash, beets, carrots, corn, beans, peas and potatoes were only a few of the amazing vegetables my parents would plant!

Every year the process was the same. Plan the garden, buy the seeds and start the plants we could inside. Once the ground thawed, we would mix last year’s crop with the already fertile soil, removing sticks and stones; preparing it and ourselves for the work (and waiting) that lie ahead.

Once the temperature was right, came the planting. Methodical rows, equal spacing, exact seed depth and distance according to plant type and germination period. Stakes and strings…”endless rows of hope”. Seeds momentarily visible, than gently protected under the safety and security of the carefully placed soil. Step two was complete. Now the waiting….

Daily, I would check the progress. At first, my excitement was dulled by the “lack of progress”.

We would water. Nothing.

We would weed. Nothing.

We would wait. Nothing.

No visible change. No “signs of life”.

Only my faith and experience from prior years kept me coming back, knowing that this “process of waiting” was necessary and deep within the soil change had already begun. The seeds were changing. The garden was changing and although no one could “see” it on the surface, a rebirth had occurred….

Suddenly, this “change” would pierce the surface. Everywhere, signs of life. Seedlings now sprouts twisting their way to the surface. Fragile. Hopeful. Probably even fearful, but determined to reach higher, toward the warmth, toward the light.

Over the coming weeks, the plants would become established and began to present “gifts” in the form of beautiful buds and then flowers. Those weak, twisted and unsure seedlings were now pillars of strength. Proudly standing tall. Prepared. Established. Faithful to their mission. Drinking deeply of the light and water it was given. Growing stronger every day in preparation for the fruit it was born to bear. Wind, drought, heat, predators, and an accidental “stepping on” brought adversity… challenging its ability to grow, produce and endure. But with time, patience and an undying faith, God’s fruit had come.

The harvest we had waited so long for. The harvest that might not have been … was here.

Big, bold, beautiful shapes and colors coming faster than we could handle. Tasty, fresh and wonderful snacks were everywhere. “Success” was a never so sweet. The waiting had been worth it.

The garden was alive again! Feeding our bellies and strengthening our faith, demonstrating the importance of proper preparation, faithful waiting, and always reaching for the light.

As we conclude our Lenten journey, let our weeks of preparation, reflection, and change “pierce” the surface for all to see as we embrace the “light”, share our “fruit” and celebrate this most special time of year.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave us new birth to a living hope through resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” Peter 1:3

Happy Easter.

Originally publish March 2013

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