


” I was truly blessed with the guest speaker, Derrick Rumenapp, today.” – KR

“You inspire me to do better…I want you to know when you spoke I was so engaged, listening… you are making a positive difference.” – NC

I want to pause and congratulate you for organizing the Resilience sessions in MEA with such care, professionalism and authenticity. The team will say better than myself, but I think you are making an impact here. It is not everyday to find oneself in a company that elaborates these topics at heart. To what I could observe, you touched hearts & minds. Bravo!” -MV

“Derrick, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for the incredible work you have done in developing the “Resilience Habits Series” and for proactively leading its delivery in our region. Your dedication in creating a resilience model that is accessible and applicable to everyone is inspiring. The clarity and structure you provided made us rethink resilience and how we can easily embed simple habits to help us navigate through challenges and adversity. Reminding us, we are not alone! I am glad we took the opportunity to deliver your framework via a panel discussion and for the great recommendations you made for the panel and moderator representatives. The engagement and feedback we received from the audience was remarkable! We delivered something different, and they were clearly able to relate and connect to our experiences, allowing everyone to leave with something new/different by the end of every session (this is the feedback I got from many post every session we delivered). Once again, thank you for your contribution and for your commitment and passion to inspiring others. I am honored to have had the opportunity to learn from you and I look forward to collaborating with you again to further spread this positive impact into everyone’s resilience journey.” – MT

Thank you for doing the session yesterday, it was very inspirational! While we have done a number of sessions on resilience, yours has the “special sauce” of being presented by someone who knows what it is like to work for the company, understands the challenges we have faced since 2017 and is open and honest on how you personally dealt/deal with life’s challenges. We believe this makes your message on resilience resonate even more!” – MM

“Thank you so much Derrick for this amazing sessions and thanks for putting so much effort in the slides…it is the one of the best sessions I attended in my life.” -RG

“Wonderful session – very inspiring.  Really appreciate your vulnerability and sharing your stories!” – CM

“Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and breaking it down into manageable pieces. I found my storm lifting by just listening to your presentation and breaking it all down for myself.” – CD

“I Love that you “mapped” it out for me!  it gives me a starting point in all the jumble!” – DH

“This was an awesome presentation.  You should consider giving a Ted talk!” – RL


You made me smile and you made me cry today. I was touched by your story and so were everybody else. I hope you will be given the opportunity to share this with an even broader audience.” – V.H

“You’re an inspiration to me and so many people! Now more than ever we need Resilience! “- T.Z.

“Thank you Derrick for another amazing, authentic, thought provoking & inspiring session!” – P.H.

“Your session was one of the most powerful of the day. Your webinar was extremely meaningful for the audience, as you related each habit to a specific behavior, event, change…. This was really translating the theory into practice for the leaders and they all appreciated it and can apply it right away.” – J.G.

“Your session was probably the most touching part of the entire three days. I still can’t find the right words to describe the emotions I experienced as I was listening to your story. You are an incredible human being and this world would need more of you for sure! Thank you for being with us!” -V.H.


I got involved with Derrick and his Life Planning program during a difficult time in my life. I was having a bit of a rough time when it came to my job, my identity, my goals, my general sense of fulfillment and happiness.

Derrick’s program led me down a valuable path of self-discovery. It reunited me with a sense of who I was. I was reacquainted with my self, my values, my beliefs, and my purpose.

Derrick made sure to avoid influencing me or projecting his own beliefs which I appreciate. He acted as a partner in my own journey of self-discovery – asking the right questions at the right time and providing a framework for me to utilize.

One of the things I appreciate the most is a new association Derrick provided me between how I manage things at work and how I can apply those same strategies to life (and vice-versa). I think this goes hand-in-hand with a generational evolution currently underway – a blurring of the lines between work and life.

I’ll finish by saying what I told my friend while wrapping up Derrick’s program: “I truly believe that anyone would benefit from participating; especially those who are facing challenges in work or life. -DP