Don’t Miss This Opportunity

Don’t Miss This Opportunity

As we get closer to this Sunday and Super Bowl XLVI, the hype around the game between the NY Giants and the New England Patriots is everywhere. Predictions, commentary, advertisements and even some alarming food statistics.With Super Bowl Sunday being the 2nd largest food consumption day of the year behind Thanksgiving, Americans will be eating:

  • 25 billion chicken wings
  • 50 million cases of beer
  • 46 million pounds of chips
  • 71 million pounds of avocados

With great consumption, comes great opportunity. This week’s review is about how social events like the Super Bowl are a great opportunity to share our faith and evangelize to others. One approach that recently caught my attention was Tony Dungy’s FREE Super Bowl halftime video kit for game watching parties. For those that don’t recognize his name, Tony is a well-known and widely respected former NFL coach who recently led the Indianapolis Colts to a Super Bowl victory in 2007. Besides being a coach, he is an established author, devoted Christian and has started several community service organizations to help others. Tony Dungy is also an adoptive dad and is making a personal appeal to Americans on the subject of the Orphan crisis in the world through his involvement in the Adoption Journey Project:

“This collective of organizations wants to break down the barriers to adoption. Their goal is to foster honest conversations about the adoption process, offer comprehensive yet easily accessible information about domestic and international adoption, and connect those who’ve already adopted with those who are thinking about it.”

On Sunday Bowl Sunday, Tony is encouraging party goers and hosts to use this “social” opportunity to raise awareness on the millions of orphans worldwide and the process people can follow to learn more. To do this, he has made a free video that can be watched online, burned to a DVD or streamed to your TV as an alternative or compliment to the Super Bowl halftime show or any time desired.

To learn more or watch the video go to:

In my conversation with Father about adoption, he said that adoption is highly encouraged in the Catholic faith and that Catholic Charities is one of the leading adoption agencies in the nation.

For more information:

I have reviewed Tony’s video and both websites and think they are great resources to raise awareness and help those interested in learning more.

Remember, you can watch this anytime, but consider showing this as part of your Super Bowl Party Halftime entertainment…it is less than 3 minutes and well worth it!

Bring some extra copies of this “reflection” to hand out!

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