

The Resilience Coaching program is designed to help individuals and groups overcome adversity by intentionally building resilient lives. This is accomplished by guiding them through my 3 Building Blocks of Resilience while teaching the 10 Habits that make it possible.

What is Resilience?

Resilience is the process and ability to:

  • recover from setbacks
  • adapt well to change
  • cope consciously and constructively
  • and keep growing in the face of adversity.

How Do We Build Resilience: 3 Building Blocks

  • Self Love- A resilient life starts with how well we take care of ourselves from our morning routine, to the things that energize us, to the schedule we set.
  • Self Talk - A resilient life depends on the mindset we have regarding the "story" that defines us, the "why" that drives us, and the future that pulls us.
  • Self Discipline - A resilient life is supported by the actions we take, the influences we allow, the connections we build and maintain, and the growth we proactively pursue.

Program Options

The Resilience Habit program is offered in varies formats:

  • Virtual Webinars
  • Onsite Workshops
  • 1-1 Mentoring
  • Keynote Speaker

©2023 The Resilience Habit is the property of Derrick Rumenapp. All concepts and details remain his intellectual property. Not for distribution without his express written consent.