Category: Epilepsy

Life can change in a moment…

Life can change in a moment…

…and that’s exactly what happened.

On June 6, 2009, my 2 year old son Matthew (affectionately called “Matty Moo”) had his first seizure and was diagnosed with a rare and difficult to treat form of Epilepsy called Doose Syndrome or Myoclonic Astatic Epilepsy (MAE’s).

The world stopped that day for my family. We couldn’t breathe as we watched an enormous dark cloud engulf our lives. Fear, uncertainty, anger, helplessness and hopelessness began to dominate my mindset. 100 seizures a day.

3 Hospitals. 5 Medications. 0 Answers.

Now, 9 years later, Matthew is seizure free thanks to Epilepsy Foundation, the Ketogenic diet and God’s grace. Life is “normal” for him and he barely remembers those difficult years. No more fear. No more hopelessness. No more pain from epilepsy…at least not for us.

You see, Matthew is a rare example of a child that became seizure free and who no longer needs medication or special diets to control his seizures…a true miracle. Most people diagnosed with rare and difficult to treat forms of epilepsy like Matthew, never gain seizure control and struggle throughout their life. In fact, there are nearly 500,000 children living with seizures in the United States today with 45,000 new cases each year.

1 in 26 people will be diagnosed with epilepsy.

The need is real and the urgency to find a cure is NOW.

It has become my family’s personal mission to raise awareness and funding to support programs and research to find a cure for epilepsy. Therefore, on September 9, 2018, my family and I will be participating in the 10th Annual Walk for Epilepsy in Saratoga Spa State Park in Saratoga, New York. We have attended every walk since its inception in 2009 and we would greatly appreciate your support of this cause by making a donation to support the Epilepsy Foundation and help the “Matty Moo Team” reach their fundraising goal of $5,000!

To Donate:  Click “Sponsor Our Team” and follow the instructions to make an online donation with a credit card at:

Thank you for considering this very personal and important cause!

For more information on our story, see: