Career Reflections: 5 Questions

Career Reflections: 5 Questions

Through the mentoring I do, I hear a lot of fear, anxiety, uncertainty and even some bitterness these days. The pandemic, the recession, personal loss or in most cases “life’s struggle” has people questioning their lives, jobs and purpose. They search for clarity, certainty, stability or just another way to think about things. Sometimes this leads to questions about their career and what they should do next. Admittedly, I have had all the same feelings at one time or another in my 30 year career…even in the present day.

As I listen to them, I think…what have I done in the past? How have I managed my career and mindset? What has worked for me? How can I help change their perspective?

So far these are the 5 Questions that have guided my path:

1. Deliver – Am I delivering my best each day, focused on what I can control and treating people how I want to be treated in my current role?

2. Connect – Am I connecting with others and staying both visible and engaged internally and externally in my current area of responsibility and industry?

3. Grow – Am I proactively growing and learning to stay relevant, inspired, resilient and valuable in my role, industry and purpose?

4. Align – Am I aligning my personal and professional goals to minimize any significant disruption to the life I desire?

5. Review – Am I reviewing my blessings each day and avoiding worry?

Life is hard. We all lose our way. We all lose perspective. We all fall into victim thinking when bad things happen…even me. We sometimes blame our career because it is an easy target, when in fact asking a different question might be all we need to see the blessings and opportunities right in front of us. Not only in our career, but in our lives. When I get off track and start to worry, I challenge myself to review these questions. The answers either bring me peace when I can honestly answer “yes” or a reminder that I need to take action and avoid victim thinking.

Sometimes a change is needed in our careers and lives, but often asking a different question is needed first.

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