
My Weight to Bear

My Weight to Bear

This post was inspired by a conversation with a colleague on what we have learned from facing so many hurdles with Megan’s metabolism challenges for 10 years. We have taken so many approaches, worked with so many people. Some worked short term only to fail long term. I have applied many of these techniques, some …

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Dare to Lead

Dare to Lead

As I sit here in the emergency room with my daughter waiting on the results of her CAT scan and reflecting on the scare we are having with her vision, I cannot help but think about how fragile our lives are, how important living in the present is, how blessed my family is to have …

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Piece the surface, reach for the light

Piece the surface, reach for the light

For my sister and I, growing up in the 70’s in a small rural community, involved having a vegetable garden. Tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, squash, beets, carrots, corn, beans, peas and potatoes were only a few of the amazing vegetables my parents would plant! Every year the process was the same. Plan the garden, buy …

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Where Do You Find Him?

Where Do You Find Him?

I had just left a store and was exiting the parking lot. On the corner stood a young girl resembling Megan (my daughter) in looks and age. She was dressed in dirty torn clothes, with blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, wind burned face from being outside in the cold…trembling as she held a sign … …

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Will You Reach Your Dreams?

Will You Reach Your Dreams?

It’s that time again! Time to celebrate our accomplishments and plan the year ahead to achieve our dreams. Ten years ago, this wasn’t easy for me. In fact,  it required self awareness, an inspiring environment, a personalized approach and creating my own “process”. My Awareness Work had always brought the most consistency in evaluating the …

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What is Your Precious Present?

What is Your Precious Present?

With holidays upon us, it’s easy to be consumed by the busyness and anxiety of buying gifts, baking cookies, decorating, sending holiday cards and making travel plans to see those we love in the coming weeks. All important activities for sure, but if we are not mindful in how we carry out these activities, what …

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What’s YOUR Cheese?

What’s YOUR Cheese?

I was walking by my bookshelf the other day and noticed an old book I have “consulted” several times throughout my career during times of immense change… “Who Moved My Cheese” by Spencer Johnson. Something told me, it was time to sit down and read it again. This may sound odd, but this time I …

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Do You Walk The Talk?

Do You Walk The Talk?

My family has a strong faith. We are active in the church and community, doing what we can to help those in need. This includes volunteering, donating clothes, leading fundraisers and supporting our local food pantry. For some reason, one “opportunity” to help others always makes me feel uncomfortable. This involves being approached directly from …

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Navigating the Transformation

Navigating the Transformation

I had lunch with a colleague from another local company the other day. As we caught up, questions about GE’s transformation, the stock price and the future of the company arose. More specifically, he asked how I managed my “mindset” during this time of change and how I was handling it with my team. Based …

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How Clear Are You?

How Clear Are You?

I recently stopped at a Wellness Pharmacy to pick up my daughter’s vitamin supplements. Typically, we get these somewhere else but with her at college now, the process to auto ship was not worked out yet. As the cashier rang up the supplements, she informed me that the item didn’t qualify as a Health Savings …

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