
A Different Kind of Birthday

A Different Kind of Birthday

The coronavirus has changed the world. It has changed our lives. It has brought fear, sadness and disruption to our thoughts, emotions and the certainty we once had in our daily routine. Some have lost their faith. Some have lost their patience. Many have lost their loved ones. Life will be “different” from here on …

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This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

Just a quick note to check in and pass along my thoughts and prayers that you and your family are safe and healthy during this challenging time in our lives and the world I encourage you to stay “present” with your family. To be aware of the meaning your are giving to this experience To …

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Will You Remember The “Last”?

Will You Remember The “Last”?

Birthdays are mile markers in our lives. Matthew’s recent 13th birthday proved to be no less significant and served as a reminder that part of celebrating the first things in life is appreciating the “lasts”. We have a tradition of taking the kids out for a birthday dinner. This usually involves them choosing the restaurant …

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What’s Your “Coffee”?

What’s Your “Coffee”?

With the holidays upon us and the year coming to an end, a much overdo trip to see my mom before Christmas reminded me to be mindful of the things that drive me in life… As an adult, I don’t get back to my childhood hometown during the Christmas season much anymore. Thankfully, this year …

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“It” Still Needs Me

“It” Still Needs Me

You can’t go anywhere without hearing, seeing or feeling the impact information technology, or “it” has and will continue to have on our lives. From smart appliances, online shopping, home automation, and future space travel to faster cures for diseases and even autonomous cars to name a few. The recent winter storm reminded me again …

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What Does “ONE” Mean To You?

What Does “ONE” Mean To You?

This past weekend my daughter Megan wrapped up her 2019 volleyball season as a sophomore at Merrimack College. For her, this season was an opportunity to finally play the sport she loves, after last year’s season ending injury that limited her play and required surgery. For the women’s volleyball program, this season represented an exciting …

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“Where” Have You Found Gratitude?

“Where” Have You Found Gratitude?

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States this coming week, a recent trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania reinforced the importance of being thankful in my life… As a kid, I remember seeing writing and drawings on public walls, buildings, rail cars, barns, water towers, bridges… even in bathroom stalls! This imagery, artistic lettering, …

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The weather was perfect for a Fall weekend in the Northeast. Crisp. Calm. Blue sky. Partly sunny. Just perfect. As I set out for my afternoon run, I made sure I was more colorful than the changing landscape around me….bright orange shirt and light blue shorts. It wasn’t a fashion statement, but more a safety …

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A Good Day

A Good Day

I love to fish. Period. My grandfather cultivated this love of mine when I was a child, taking me fishing often in lakes, ponds and streams (or cricks like we call them). We would fish in the morning and at night, in rain or shine. Summer or winter. It didn’t matter. I was and still …

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Don’t Miss The Moment

Don’t Miss The Moment

For most of us in the northeast, this week marks the end of summer and the beginning of the new school year. As we waited for the bus with Matthew on this beautiful morning, we talked, laughed, and reminisced about the amazing summer we had and the time we spent together. In fact, it was …

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