A New “Home”…

A New “Home”…

The day started early. Slowly, we mulled around the house, making sure everything was packed and nothing forgotten. Unnecessarily double and triple checking everything. For the first time in 10 years we weren’t in a hurry. We wanted to savor every last moment of this chapter of our lives. As the final pages were being written, things were changing and there was no way to stop it, so we delayed as long as we could. Even the weather seemed to object to our departure, with heavy rain and foggy roads...symbolic of our emotional journey ahead.

We had planned for this day for years. We saved. We researched. We visited. We even made the decision as a family. We were certainly prepared on paper, but emotionally, are you ever really ready?

Taking our first child Megan to college is a new chapter for all of us. Megan is our baby girl...the first born and in fact, our only girl. Affectionately nicknamed “Meg-Pies”, she embodies everything precious, beautiful and special in a daughter and big sister. Smart. Athletic. Caring. She was the first one we tested our limited parental knowledge on and likely the one we made the most mistakes with...LOL. Sorry Meg!

For Megan, this marks the beginning of the next phase of her life. New people, new places, exciting times, independence, opportunities and making her own choices. For us, this is the end of a major milestone in raising our daughter. Had we done enough? Had we done too much? What happens now? Will she still need us? Is she prepared? Clearly uncharted territory for all of us but a necessarily step in the growth of a child...and parent.

As we pulled into the college parking lot, the rain intensified, a metaphor for the tears that were building up inside each of us. Casually, we unloaded the car, joking lightheartedly with each other as we carried items to her new “home”. Then multiple trips to Target and Walmart ensured the last stage of readiness of the new room was complete, giving the only remaining comfort a parent can hold on to before the inevitable departure.

That night we had the “last” dinner, now immortalized with fish tacos and Mexican Food. Immersed in memories, laughter, excitement and a hint of sadness...a quiet awareness of what was happening. The truth was, what really mattered that day wasn’t something we packed or purchased. It wasn’t even something we could have taught or even said that night. All that mattered was to be present in the moment, to love unconditionally as a family, to have faith in our preparation and to embrace the amazing future that lies ahead. As the dinner concluded, so did that chapter of our lives...

Things are different now. Her room is silent. Still clean and neat from when she left. Her name still prominently displayed indicating she will be back. No scattered laundry or evidence of her activity. But if you listen closely, the walls continue to tell her story. Pictures of friends and family, memories of accomplishments and laughter but most of all... signs of love, hope and pride for a little girl that changed our lives and for one that will always have a home here. Good luck Megan! We all love you!

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