Month: September 2023

More Than A Broken Belt

More Than A Broken Belt

For 20 years I have listened to Tony Robbins. His wisdom, insight and passion to help others is inspiring. There is no doubt, he has had a significant impact on my life, my mindset and the man I am today. One of the most impactful things he said wasn’t a statement, but rather a series of questions as part of his Date with Destiny commercial found HERE.

“What if problems were always gifts?

What is every single problem, really was a gift in your life?

What if every problem you ever had was life happening for you, not to you.

What if everything in our lives is guided?

What if everything in our lives was divine timing…everything, even the pain?

Wait. Read those again. I had too also. In fact, many, many, many times and I still do to this day. For some reason it didn’t sink in the first 10 times. But after deep reflection on this these 5 simple questions, the meaning of a problem or “storm” has shifted for me. Now I am inclined first to believe the storm is happening “for” me and not “to” me. This allows me to stay open minded, centered, curious and hopeful that good can come from it. It positions me to look for the opportunity to learn, be less reactive and more reflective on where the opportunity for growth lies within this experience. Today’s experience while mowing my lawn once again reminded me that life happens for me, not to me.

You see, it was one of those weeks when everything goes wrong. Frustrated, stressed and anxious I began to overreact each time something happened. “So much for life happening for me,” I lamented. Finally, I snapped, or should I say the mower’s drive belt snapped.

“What? Already? Bob just fixed that last year”, I gasped!

“Hey Bob, looks like the new drive belt you put on last fall snapped,” insinuating it was his fault. “Makes no sense. When can you take a look?”, I demanded.

“Oh, wow. That’s not good. Unfortunately, I am unable to work on it until 10/18. Call me.” Bob promptly replied.

After 30 minutes of troubleshooting over the phone and Bob expertly handling my frustration and impatience, we agreed I would order the part and he would somehow squeeze me in before he left for his trip. Less than a week later, Bob would call and stop over to pick up the tractor for repair as promised.

“Hey Bob, thanks for coming,” my tone grateful and apologetic. “Sorry, I was frustrated. It was one of the weeks,” I said embarrassed. Bob quickly accepted my apology and moved on.

After making small talk while loading the tractor I asked, “So where are you traveling to in October?

“Headed to Hawaii to watch my blind daughter, Megan compete in the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii, “ he said beaming with pride.

My jaw dropped. “Wait, what? Your daughter is doing the hardest Ironman of all and she is blind?”

“Yeah.” Bob said with a big smile.

Over the next 30 minutes, I would learn of his daughter Megan’s incredible journey from being diagnosed with a rare inherited eye disorder called Leber congenital amaurosis at roughly the age of 2 to driving awareness and improved services for those with eye disorders in her school, college and in the community. As a triathlete at the Ironman competition, her goal is to bring awareness and educate the community on participants with disabilities.  Simply amazing  and inspiring! Her story HERE:

I walked around in a daze for the remainder of the day, my head spinning as I thought of this story and how many, including myself, wouldn’t have seen Megan’s circumstance as an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. I reflected on how Bob, his family and Megan’s strength embodied what Tony was talking about. That life happens for us. That problems are gifts. And that even life’s pain can be guided if we would only embrace it.

Today changed me. Not only was I reminded that life happens for me, but also that life’s greatest gifts sometimes begin with a “broken belt”.

Please consider supporting Megan and her family as she embarks on an incredible journey on October 14, 2023 to inspire, raise awareness and show us all that anything is possible when we believe that life happens for us, not too us. Click HERE to donate.