Month: November 2019

What Does “ONE” Mean To You?

What Does “ONE” Mean To You?

This past weekend my daughter Megan wrapped up her 2019 volleyball season as a sophomore at Merrimack College. For her, this season was an opportunity to finally play the sport she loves, after last year’s season ending injury that limited her play and required surgery. For the women’s volleyball program, this season represented an exciting opportunity and transition from an NCAA Division 2 Program to an NCAA Division 1 Program. Their slogan: “We Are ONE”.

As with any opportunity or transition, challenge is likely. This season was no different, with many ups and downs. First, Megan suffered a concussion two days before the season opener and was out the first 3 weeks, but thankfully, she was injury free for the remainder of the season. For the team, competing at the D1 level was even tougher than expected including several untimely injuries that further impacted their season. In the end, they fought hard every game but lost all of their divisional games…a season some might remember as “0-16”.

I remember my winless season when my high school basketball team went 0-18. We were a young team with a new coach and we just couldn’t get a win that year despite our hard work. As I sat and watched Megan’s final game of the season come to an end, there were tears, laughter, hugs and goodbyes…from both players and parents. The realization had sunk in…”this opportunity and moment in their lives was over”. More specifically, this was the last time they would all play as ONE with the 4 departing seniors.

As I took that “last” picture, I couldn’t help but think “this is how I will remember them and their season.” With big smiles, arms wrapped around each other and together as ONE. Not as a 0-16 statistic, but rather a team that genuinely cared about each other, wanted to do well and gave their best every game.

With big smiles, arms wrapped around each other and together as ONE

They had grown during this challenging season…as players, as teammates, and young women even though their record didn’t show it. They were stronger physically and emotionally, and had learned what it meant to compete at the D1 level as ONE.

With 30+ years of perspective on my own 0-18 season, their season again reminded me of 10 things I learned many years ago about the importance of working together as ONE in athletics, but also in life.

10 Things to Become ONE

  1. Loss happens…Move on. Athletic seasons (and life) are full of ups and downs, keeping going. #MoveOn
  2. It starts in the mirror…no excuses. Own your results and focus on what YOU can control. #OwnIt
  3. Mindset matters… the choice is yours. The meaning we give to any challenge and the mindset we choose can help or hinder us from seeing the possibilities right in front of us. #Mindset
  4. Failure leads to success… learn from it. Don’t miss the wisdom in the lesson by being distracted by the score or what others says. #Learn
  5. One season does not define a person or team…choose your character. How you treat yourself and others in light of your circumstances is what ultimately matters. #Character
  6. No one has all the answers… be humble. Acknowledging our own development needs opens the door to get help and give help to those in need. #Humility
  7. Nothing happens overnight… work hard. Be the hardest worker in the room and you’ll never regret the results, regardless of the scoreboard. #Commitment
  8. A scoreboard can’t measure everything … take pride in all of your efforts. You represent the tradition of those that came before you, have influence over those that are joining you, and will leave your own unique mark on the program. #Pride
  9. Winning is great, but it isn’t everything. Sometimes our greatest wins in life, is the perspective we get from the losses we endure. #Perspective
  10. Stronger together…stay ONE. Unconditional love and respect for each other during the ups and downs is the real secret to sports and life. #WeAreOne

Being ONE means different things to different people and although they weren’t number ONE in their division this year, they came together as ONE, fought as ONE and finished as ONE.

Learning to be ONE as a team is the foundation of athletics…and even for life. #GoWarriors

What about you? What does ONE mean to you?