Month: August 2019

My Weight to Bear

My Weight to Bear

This post was inspired by a conversation with a colleague on what we have learned from facing so many hurdles with Megan’s metabolism challenges for 10 years.

We have taken so many approaches, worked with so many people. Some worked short term only to fail long term. I have applied many of these techniques, some recently with success. Generally though, it comes down to this which I am sure you already know:

  1. Get a Reason…a REALLY Good One – Why do you want be healthier? What happens if you don’t? What are you willing to give up? Who are you really doing this for?
  2. Get an Annual Check-up – make sure that your weight isn’t a result of some other health condition… diabetes, thyroid, etc. What does your blood work say? Are you on medication? A health condition could prevent any progress you hope to make.
  3. Keep a Food journal – capture what you eat and drink every day for a week…this will give you great insights into what might be sabotaging your progress and where adjustments need to be made
  4. Remove Foods that Cause Inflammation – Sugar, Gluten, Caffeine, Alcohol…anything processed ( I know…ouch but you can add these back in later. This is the main reason you need a GOOD “WHY”)
  5. Eat Organic – especially green leafy veggies and cruciferous(Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Kale, Spinach) and grass fed meats. I eat very little eggs…when I do, they are cage free, organic.
  6. Healthy Fat is GOOD – eat healthy fats…especially Coconut oil, Olive Oil, and Avocados are my favorites!
  7. Low Impact, Fun Exercise – I find I cannot workout hard and reduce calories at the same time. Therefore, walk, swim, yoga or light weight lifting for 30 minutes 5 days a week is more than enough. Make it fun with a buddy or you won’t stick to it. Get outside!
  8. WATER – drink 50% of your body weight in ounces daily.
  9. Nothing after 7pm – don’t eat late at night.
  10. Get an Accountability Partner – tell someone your goals and share your progress with them regularly. Weight yourself DAILY at the SAME time…preferably upon rising and communicate/write it down.
  11. Self Love – Look in the mirror daily and no matter what the scale says, look into your own eyes and say “I love you, you are enough.”

Keep in mind, everyone is different but many of the above work universally.