Month: February 2019

Where Do You Find Him?

Where Do You Find Him?

I had just left a store and was exiting the parking lot. On the corner stood a young girl resembling Megan (my daughter) in looks and age. She was dressed in dirty torn clothes, with blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, wind burned face from being outside in the cold…trembling as she held a sign …

“I’m hungry. Please Help.”

Immediately I was drawn to her. Maybe because she reminded me of my daughter. Maybe for another reason I wasn’t quite aware of yet.

I stopped the car, rolled down the window and I immediately was captivated by her eyes. I paused and look intently into them and said “hello, how are you?”, smiling.

Her face lite up and her voice raised with excitement… “I’m good!” she said returning a genuine smile.

I awkwardly handed her some money, our eyes still locked and said “God bless you”. She looked lovingly back and said the same to me.

The exchange was quick but intense. I was stuck in a trance for some reason… looking into her eyes and wanting to know her. To know her story. To know her struggle. To know her strength and to know she’d be ok. I suddenly realized…

It was Him. He was there…Jesus was right there…I could see Him in her eyes. Hear Him in her voice. Feel Him in her presence. I drove slowly away, hoping to see “her” again…soon.

The reality is, He is always there… especially in those in need, in those we overlook and in those we under appreciate. He is always right there… if we only take the time to seek him…we will “find” him.

Matthew 25:40

And the King will answer, “In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.”

May you “find” Him in everything you do…