Month: November 2011



One of the hardest things I have had to do in my life was admitting I was wrong, saying I was sorry and asking for forgiveness. This usually involved another person but sometimes the person I needed to forgive was me.

Then Peter came up to Him and said, “Lord, how many times may my brother sin against me and I forgive him and let it go? As many as up to seven times?”
Jesus answered him, ”I tell you, not up to seven times, but seventy times seven!” Matthew 18: 21-22

This week’s review is on the movie “The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry” by the Christiano Film Group released in 2009. Set in the 1970’s, this story takes us back to a much simpler time. A time when banana seat bicycles were the main mode of transportation, kids played outside, mom’s had time to sew buttons on shirts, handwritten notes were used instead of texting, pinball machines where the top “video” game, and kids where enthusiastic about mowing the neighbor’s lawn for $3. Now more than 30 years later, that simplicity may be gone, but the same social challenges the movie portrays exist today including raising children as a single parent, dealing with “bullying” in our schools and making the choice to forgive others as the Lord intended.

This movie will make you think. It will make you think about the grudges you hold against others and/or yourself. It will make you see that the choice to forgive has the power to free you, to allow you to give more to others and be a shining example of God’s love for us.

Issue 5

Facing “our” Giants

Facing “our” Giants

I’ve been a Pittsburgh Steelers fan since the 70’s. I’ve watched them win and lose Super Bowls. Through the ups and downs, I have never changed teams. I have jerseys, banners, flags, a “terrible towel”…basically black and yellow everything. My children are following in my footsteps with their own assortment of Steeler “gear”. Every Sunday during football season it is clear who our favorite team is based on how we dress, talk and act. What we believe about the Steelers on the inside can easily be seen on the outside during football season. Loving Jesus is no different. In fact, the more committed we are to learning the Word on the inside, the more we show our love for others on the outside… and in turn, our love for God.

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20-21

This week’s review is on the movie “Facing the Giants”, another gem from Sherwood Pictures released in 2006. This is a story about a football coach, the “giants” in his life and how giving praise to God regardless of the outcome is paramount.

The story begins with Grant Taylor, a failing high school football coach in his 6th losing season at Shiloh Christian High School. We quickly learn that his “giants” are his fears, both on and off the field. At home, things are breaking down… his stove, his car, even his faith in God’s ability to give him and his wife a child. On the field, his leading scorer transferred to another school, he lost his first 3 games, and the booster club wants to replace him. After getting bad news from the doctor, it all becomes too much. He questions what God is doing and his role as a football coach. Finally, he turns to God for help and learns that he must build a life based on the Word, giving God the glory in everything he does…even coaching football.

This movie will resonate on many levels… financial struggles, not being able to have a child, having people lose faith in you, and even losing faith in yourself. In the end, you will cheer for the Shiloh Eagles not for WHAT they accomplish, but for HOW they accomplish it and WHO they give the credit to. For when we give God the glory and live in the Word, our actions will clearly reflect to everyone our love for Him.

“With God, all things are possible” -Matthew 19:26

Issue 4