

Life is Full of Storms

Life can be hard…for everyone and I certainly have been through my share of challenges in life, or what I refer to as “storms”.

You see, I have struggled with self-image problems at various times in my life. I have seen what divorce and alcoholism can do to a family.  I have ridden the rollercoaster ride of expectations associated with high school and college athletics. I know the fear and helplessness the parent of sick child feels when suddenly diagnosed. I’ve lived the shock and despair of unexpectedly losing both parents in the middle of a pandemic. I’ve felt the anxiety that endless company changes and transformation can bring to a career. I’ve even battled the feelings of not being good enough, victim thinking and comparing myself to others. As I said, life is full of storms.

At these times, I have needed someone to talk to, to brainstorm next steps with, to let my frustrations out or simply cry in private.  I have needed to be seen, heard and accepted by someone who was focused, present, and 100% there for me. I have needed a safe place, a judgment free zone or the ability to let down my guard.  Simply put, I needed a mentor to seek guidance, perspective and a strategy from whom understands the journey through the “storms” of life.

I believe that is what I am called to do. That’s what I can be for you.

Whether you are:

  • a parent juggling the demands of life, dual careers or the “aftermath” of the pandemic
  • an employee navigating, transitioning, transforming or rebooting their career
  • an athlete recovering from injury, striving for the next level or even changing sports
  • a student pursuing academic achievement, choosing a college or transitioning to “adulthood”
  • someone simply looking to handle change, loss, burnout or the stresses of life better
  • an organization developing its leaders, transforming its culture or preparing for the future of work
  • looking to proactively build a strong and resilient life to face, endure and thrive in life’s storms

With over 25 years of coaching, mentoring and leading others in small and large companies, I have concluded the difference in people’s personal and professional lives is how they perceive, respond and learn from life’s “storms” (challenges). In other words, the process they follow and the intentional choice they make to proactively build a resilient mind, body and spirit.

Intentionally building resilience can help you build the:

  • CouRage to face your challenges
  • ConfidEnce to make choices and believe in your decisions
  • CompoSure to pause and think before you react
  • ConscIousness to stay present, self aware and avoid victim thinking
  • CLarity to see your circumstances objectively
  • CommItment to chase your dreams even when things are at heir toughest
  • ConsistEncy to follow through and take action
  • ChaNge needed to avoid poor influences
  • ConneCtions required to support, instead of undermine, yourself when help is needed.
  • Coping mechanism to constructively manage adversity and stress.

To learn more about my Resilience Habit Mentoring program, contact me for a free 20 minute initial phone consultation. Click HERE to schedule an appointment.

Always with gratitude,

– Derrick

©2023 The Resilience Habit is the property of Derrick Rumenapp. All concepts and details remain his intellectual property. Not for distribution without express written consent.

Training provided is for informational purposes only. Please consult a physician or other appropriate expert for more information and guidance before making any changes to your medical care and/or starting an exercise program.